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How to Make a Successful New Year’s Resolution

We love the way so many of our patients and potential patients resolve each year to take better care of their mouths and teeth; promising themselves to brush twice a day and floss at least once each day. However, we also know that, people being people, something like 90% of New Year’s Resolutions fail within the first 30 days of the year.

Dental health resolutions

So, being the full service information source we hope to be, the Dental Health Blog would like to offer some guidance on how to make your resolutions this year a success.

Don’t over-shoot the mark

Setting your sights too high inevitably leads to disappointment. "Big Picture" goals are usually too general, and too long term to keep it in sight on a daily basis. Instead, set a daily, weekly or monthly goal that you can more easily achieve, and track toward ultimate success.

Avoid flying by the seat of your pants

While flying-by-the-seat-of-your pants behavior can be fun, it will not help you reach your larger goal. Instead, you need to make a plan; a clear path of incremental lifestyle changes that will lead you to where you want to be. You should also write it down, so you can refer to it and make corrections or note successes along the way.

Don’t keep it secret

This time, set yourself up with a support system. Let at least one person know about your resolution for change, and let them help you be accountable. It’s way too easy to let yourself off the hook if no one else knows you’re not sticking to your guns. Choose a friend or family member who’ll support you, with love and kindness, and you’ll be much less likely let them – or yourself – down by failing.

Don’t be vague about the process

If you don’t keep track of the progress you're making toward your goal, how do you know where you are in your plan? Keep a journal so you’ll know where you are, and how far you need to still go. Seeing it all in black and white like this will also inspire you to continue working toward your goal.

Do reward yourself for success

Hey, your journal says you’ve been diligent with your brushing and flossing for 30 days straight! That’s a Big Deal, right? You’re really making progress toward healthier habits! So, give yourself a small reward for progressive steps towards your goal! This will help to keep you on track, and looking forward to your next reward! Permit yourself a small indulgence, and take pleasure in rewarding yourself for a job well done; then, get back to work.

The doctors and staff at The Colorado Center for Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry are available to help you determine effective solutions to all of your dental problems, including helping you make your dental health resolution successful this year. If you would like more information from your Littleton area Prosthodontist, please call to make an appointment today.

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