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Replace Teeth in a Day Advertising

Here is the truth about tooth replacement therapy...

"Can you replace my teeth in a day?"

"Do you offer tooth replacement therapy in one day?"

"Can I really get a total tooth replacement in just a single visit?"

We hear one of these questions, or a variation of them, nearly every day here at the Colorado Center for Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry. As your Littleton are prosthodontist and dental implants experts for more than 20 years, our goal is to give you honest answers and accurate dental health information regardless of the advertising and other information you may have received.

  • First, yes, the "replace teeth in a day" process is possible – BUT – only in a very small percentage of cases.
  • Second, for most patients, tooth replacement therapy will usually involve a temporary dental prosthetic device.
  • Third, most patients will require time for healing from dental implant surgery phase, prior to the final work of creating and fitting a permanent dental prosthetic.
  • Fourth, every patient is different, requiring consultation with a knowledgeable, experienced dental professional before it can be determined whether or not you are a viable candidate for a "replace teeth in a day" tooth replacement therapy.

As with so much advertising in the "information age" in which we live today, the information currently being offered to potential dental patients on TV and radio may not be misleading, but it does imply that there is a simple solution to a complex dental problem. Such a simplistic approach to your dental health concerns does you a disservice, and you should definitely be skeptical of the claims made in this type of advertising.

For any patient who is seeking information on tooth replacement therapy, Dr. Maroney will let you know if you are a viable candidate for this type of "replace teeth in a day" solution. If you are not, he will explain exactly why not, as well as what your alternative tooth replacement therapy choices may be. Once you have this valuable information, you will be able to make an informed choice; a choice that will ensure your long-term comfort and satisfaction.

The doctors and staff at The Colorado Center for Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry are fully committed to helping you determine effective solutions to all of your dental problems. If you would like more information from your Littleton area Prosthodontist, please call to make an appointment today.

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